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Your search ("big_090...-bahamas-abaco") matched 36 images.. Showing hits 1 - 30. Next page -->
Bahamas, Abaco
Abaco greeted us with a tailing bonefish. Julern targeting a solo cruiser on the left of the image.
Bahamas, Abaco
WIth Google Earth we spotted a small lagune that could hold some fish, far far out. We walked and we walked and we walked. The lagune was perfect, nice size, good depth, mangr...
Bahamas, Abaco
WIth Google Earth we spotted a small lagune that could hold some fish, far far out. We walked and we walked and we walked. The lagune was perfect, nice size, good depth, mangr...
Bahamas, Abaco
Morning was that of bonefish, but in the afternoon, the sharks were plentiful. I landed two that took an unbaited, unscented fly, quite unusual.
Photo: Christian Juell
Bahamas, Abaco
Morning was that of bonefish, but in the afternoon, the sharks were plentiful. I landed two that took an unbaited, unscented fly, quite unusual.
Bahamas, Abaco
Another morning over Abaco, filled with stupid hungry bonefish. We started the morning with a double hookup.
Bahamas, Abaco
Another morning over Abaco, filled with stupid hungry bonefish. Julern holding up the first victim of the day.
Bahamas, Abaco
Another morning over Abaco, filled with stupid hungry bonefish. Julern demonstrating how to utilize the force of gravity to release the fish.
Bahamas, Abaco
An eager Julern headed out on the big flats. I soon followed. Almost.
Bahamas, Abaco
Good weather, so we went out in the boat, hitting a few of the cays around the island.
Bahamas, Abaco
Good weather, so we went out in the boat, hitting a few of the cays around the island. A few clouds appeared in the afternoon.
Bahamas, Abaco
Good weather, so we went out in the boat, hitting a few of the cays around the island. A few clouds appeared in the afternoon, but that won't stop us from believing they would quickly pass.
Bahamas, Abaco
Good weather, so we went out in the boat, hitting a few of the cays around the island. A few clouds appeared in the afternoon, but that didn't stop us from believing they wou...
Bahamas, Abaco
Good weather, so we went out in the boat, hitting a few of the cays around the island. A few clouds appeared in the afternoon, but that didn't stop us from believing they wou...
Bahamas, Abaco
Good weather, so we went out in the boat, hitting a few of the cays around the island. A few clouds appeared in the afternoon, but that won't stop us from believing they woul...
Bahamas, Abaco
We held our heads high while waiting for the tide to roll in.
Bahamas, Abaco
As the clouds broke Julern found a few bonefish.
Bahamas, Abaco
As the clouds broke Julern found a few bonefish. Wrap the leader around your neck, hold up the fish and smile to the camera! Well, two outa three ain't bad.
Bahamas, Abaco
As the clouds broke Julern found a few bonefish. Wrap the leader around your neck, hold up the fish and smile to the camera! Well, two outa three ain't bad.
Bahamas, Abaco
The clouds opened up, and then they shut the door. Now what?
Bahamas, Abaco
The clouds opened up, and then they shut the door. Now what? BEER TIME
Bahamas, Abaco
The clouds opened up occasionally.
Bahamas, Abaco
Clear weather, cold water = big bonefish. Or small spooky ones.
Photo: Christian Juell
Bahamas, Abaco
Clear weather, cold water = big bonefish.
Bahamas, Abaco
Clouds got stuck and we headed back.
Bahamas, Abaco
The clouds robbed us of a spectacular sunset.
Bahamas, Abaco
Gullible bonefish.
Photo: Christian Juell
Bahamas, Abaco
Gullible bonefish.
Photo: Christian Juell
Bahamas, Abaco
The clouds surrounded our flat and sprung the occasional rain shower, but amazingly it never quite reached us.
Bahamas, Abaco
The cold front persisted, and soon the bonefish were all out in deeper water. Left on the flats were some hungry shark and a dork with a spinning rod.
Your search ("big_090...-bahamas-abaco") matched 36 images.. Showing hits 1 - 30. Next page -->