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Your search ("big_071") matched 229 images.. Showing hits 1 - 30. Next page -->
Bahamas, Abaco
High tide usually makes the bones hunt along the shore, and this day was no exception. I spotted a school of bones on the prowl with their tails breaking the surface every now...
Bahamas, Abaco
High tide usually makes the bones hunt along the shore, and this day was no exception. I spotted a school of bones on the prowl with their tails breaking the surface every now...
Bahamas, Abaco
High tide usually makes the bones hunt along the shore, and this day was no exception. I spotted a school of bones on the prowl with their tails breaking the surface every now...
Bahamas, Abaco
The combination of high tide, slight wind and thick clouds made it difficult to spot the fish. A rainbow was our concelation prize.
Bahamas, Abaco
Frank out on the flat on the first afternoon, just a few hours after landing on Abaco. Perfect conditions with high tide for a quick search for hungry bones.
Bahamas, Abaco
The Marls, seen on final approach to Marsh Harbour airport.
Bahamas, Abaco
Cloudy day in Miami.
Bahamas, Abaco
Tuesday started off with reasonable weather, warm and clear, although windy. Throughout the morning the wind gained in strength, making the fishing very difficult. The hurricane was approaching.
Bahamas, Abaco
Tuesday started off with reasonable weather, warm and clear, although windy. Throughout the morning the wind gained in strength, making the fishing very difficult. The hurrica...
Bahamas, Abaco
Tuesday started off with reasonable weather, warm and clear, although windy. Finally, the first bonefish of the trip was landed.
Bahamas, Abaco
Tuesday started off with reasonable weather, warm and clear, although windy. The Weather Channel assured us it would not last, hurricane Noel was making good time toward Abaco.
Bahamas, Abaco
My feet are killing me. They really were, my new vading boots didn't even come close to fitting my wide feet, and most of the day was spent on the shore drowing the pain in the Kalik.
Bahamas, Abaco
My new Orvis shoes was a painful experience. They appear to be loosely based on the Sideshow Bob character from the Simpsons, and they were about an inch too narrow for me.
Bahamas, Abaco
Frank on his determined and heroic search for bonefish in the miserable weather. A handful of fish were spotted, but that's was a close as we got that day.
Bahamas, Abaco
Frank on his determined and heroic search for bonefish in the miserable weather. A handful of fish were spotted, but that's was as close as we got that day. The picture revea...
Bahamas, Abaco
Frank on his determined and heroic search for bonefish in the miserable weather. A handful of fish were spotted, but that's was as close as we got that day. A rain storm on i...
Bahamas, Abaco
The rainstorm came and we decided it was time to head back and numb our senses with vast amounts of rum.
Bahamas, Abaco
Thursday was even worse, we spend the day bar-hopping and blindfishing in anticipation of the storm passing us in the afternoon.
Bahamas, Abaco
Purka was packed with bonefish. Here I've spotted a pair waiting for the tide to open the path to the mangroves. The fly is served, and quite cockily I decide to snap a few pi...
Bahamas, Abaco
Purka was packed with bonefish. Here's one ready to be landed.
Bahamas, Abaco
Purka was packed with bonefish. Here's one of the many bones of the day, perhaps not a monster, but solid girth and conditioning.
Bahamas, Abaco
Purka was packed with bonefish. Not the greatest picture, but with some imagination you might see the school in the right side of the picture.
Bahamas, Abaco
Purka was packed with bonefish. A shark got interested in the bone I was fighting, but for reasons unknown it quickly took off without going in for the kill. What a day!
Bahamas, Abaco
The true king of the Bahamas, his Royal Highness Kalik.
Bahamas, Abaco
Another testament to the great day, a rainbow without rain.
Bahamas, Abaco
Another bone ready for landing.
Bahamas, Abaco
Another nice single searching for crabs in the moving tide. I had already landed plenty of fish and choose the camera over the rod for this one.
Bahamas, Abaco
The storm passed and Friday turned into a spectacular day on the Purka flat.
Bahamas, Abaco
A truly fantastic day, two fish searching for food about 30 feet left of the dark spot. One of them would soon be hooked.
Bahamas, Abaco
A truly fantastic day, yet another bone was outsmarted and reel starts singing.
Your search ("big_071") matched 229 images.. Showing hits 1 - 30. Next page -->